Eric Chan is a veteran graphic designer and corporate identity consultant. In his creative career spanning over thirty years, Eric's work has been honored with more than 380 international and Hong Kong awards, including the UK D&AD Yellow Pencil Nomination, US ONE Show Design Gold Award, Japan Typography Association Annual Awards Best of the Best, HKDA Awards Gold Award and International Poster Triennial Gold Award.
Eric graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic and The First Institute of Art & Design. He started his career at Grapho Studio, Leo Burnett, and Bates Hong Kong.
In 1991, He set up his design consultancy Eric Chan Design Co. Ltd., specializing in the development of corporate and brand identity, visual identity, company brochure, packaging, etc.
He is a committee member (2002-2008) and Vice Chairman (2008-2014) of The Hong Kong Designers Association, a full & fellow member of The Hong Kong Designers Association, an awarded member of The UK D&AD, and an overseas full member of The Japan Typography Association and full member of the US Type Directors Club. He actively participates and contributes to Hong Kong's design industry, nurturing the minds of the next generation with an appreciation for design.
陳超宏(Eric)是香港資深的多元化平面設計師。他的創意足跡遍及平面設計,企業形象及品牌設計等顧問服務。過去三十多年的創意生涯中,他先後獲取多達380項香港及國際榮譽及大獎,包括英國D&AD黃鉛筆提名、美國ONE SHOW Design Award金獎、日本字體設計協會年獎Best of The Best、香港設計師協會雙年展金獎及國際海報三年展金獎等。
陳超宏的設計及創作事業始於1981年。畢業於香港大一設計學院及理工大學後,就藉着加入Grapho Studio公司去實踐創作夢想。而80年代正值廣告業蓬勃發展,他先後加入李奧貝立(Leo Burnett)及達彼思(Bates Hong Kong)等國際知名的廣告巨擘,其間Eric的天賦及作品備受稱許,進一步鞏固了他在商業設計及藝術創意的發展。迄至1991年,他創辦自己的公司Eric Chan Design Co. Ltd.。
對設計業界而言,Eric備受稱許的地方不止於作品質量,他相信只有持續地栽培具天份的新血,亞洲的設計專業才能繼續發光發熱。因此他積極參與各大設計組織,亦被邀請成為多個知名團體的主要委員,包括香港設計師協會執行委員(2002 - 2008)及副主席(2008 - 2014)、香港設計師協會專業、榮譽及資深會員、英國D&AD獲獎會員、日本字體設計協會會員及美國字體指導協會會員等。同時,Eric對藝術及文化深感興趣,並積極參與培育新一代設計師,熱衷推廣,不遺餘力。