Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

(Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) is one of my favorite films . Ryuichi Sakamoto made his debut as an actor and film score composer, he composed the soundtrack and theme song for the film (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence). As such he was appreciated by renowned executive producer Jeremy Thomas, who invited him to score the film (The Last Emperor), opening the milestone of Ryuichi Sakamoto in film music. As a film score composer, Ryuichi Sakamoto has won an Oscar, a BAFTA, a Grammy and Golden Globe.

This poster represents my tribute to the 40th anniversary of the film (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence). The face in the poster is composed of countless notes to become Ryūichi Sakamoto starring Captain Yonoi in the film, an unforgettable face.

(Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence)是我心愛的電影之一。 坂本龍一以演員和電影配樂作曲家首次亮相,他為電影(Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence)創作了配樂和主題曲。因此獲得知名電影監製Jeremy Thomas 賞識,邀請他為影片(末代皇帝)配樂,開啓坂本龍一在電影音樂的里程碑。作為電影配樂作曲家,坂本龍一曾獲得奧斯卡奬、英國電影學院獎、格林美獎和金球奬的殊榮。

這張海報代表了我對(Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence)電影40 週年的致敬。海報中的臉孔是由無數音符組成為電影中版本龍一主演的Captain Yonoi 造型,一張令人難以忘懷的面孔。


2022 KICD Summer International Conference & International Invitational Poster Exhibition - 'Peace'


Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2004 Call for Entry Poster