Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards 2018 Visual Identity


Birds of a feather flock , which is the core notion of the creative concept about Convergence, it figuratively represents all the creative talents around the world are being pull together by the gravity of Global Design Awards to shine. 

It was unveiled by the promotion materials and website of Call For Action, the designer vividly utilized different font types of WORDS, like Hong Kong , Macau, Beijing, Taipei, Tokyo and Seoul,  to represent participants from various cities flock together to endorse the event. However, the depiction of Convergence was not limited to city names, there were company names, event names, light bulbs and even 3D props, which were applied to poster, postcard, event backdrop and venue display.

During the award ceremony, the designer created a huge electronic backdrop which built by numerous light bulbs to depict Convergence, each light bulb represented one participant and they all flocked together to shine.

The exact concept also applied to the exhibition, where all the display platforms and the installation art display were all built by small paper boxes, which represented individual participants around the world. In the middle of the venue, a huge installation was hanged, visitors can behold the words GDA ( Global Design Awards ) from one single perspective, which was a clever input for the concept of Convergence.

GDA 2018 Call for Entries Poster Series

Dots converge to form lines, all passions for creative design come together can generate immerse gravity, when singularity happens, a new universe of creativity will be formed, the light of evolution in creative design will be unleashed to shine. Ultimately, we believe individual designer is never a solo ranger.


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