The Joy of Reading Poster

When one starts to read, one is transported into a paradise away from the boredom of daily life into a heart-to-heart rendezvous with the author. Let the knowledge and wisdom of the words sink in for it is food for thought and the soul, making you a more informed individual!

The design concept behind this poster is the creation of a brand-new Chinese character. In order to express the good benefits that come with reading, the clever application of the strokes that means heart 「忄」are added to the original word 「閱」to create a new word - THE JOY OF READING.

However, to enjoy all the pleasures that reading brings, one has to take the first step by opening the cover a book, which is the essential door「門」to knowledge and wisdom. It is only then, that joy can penetrate through, hence the deliberate use of a stronger tone to emphasize the joy of reading.

This poster is designed for a special campaign entitled ‘READING IS …‘ organized by a book publisher in Hong Kong to encourage the good habit of reading to the general public.


American Film Market


The 12th International Poster Triennial in Toyama 2018 - 'Rhythm of Ink'